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Vocal Infusion

Vocal Infusion is Anderson High School’s premier mixed show choir. This auditioned group averages 45 students who are mainly upperclassmen. Vocal Infusion is a co-curricular group that meets every day for class and rehearses 2 to 3 times a week after school and on weekends. The show choir not only competes at an average of 5 competitions across the mid-west but they host their own competition, Anderson Singsational, and perform at school and community concerts. The choir also takes a trip every other year for a major competition or to a location out of their normal range of travel.


Vocal Infusion has been in existence since the consolidation of Highland High School and Anderson High School in the school year 2010-2011. The show choir also functions as a concert choir while learning music theory, literacy and sight- singing.

Forever Proud. Forever Strong. Forever Indian.

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